IELTS Foundation: Study Skills Pack (General Modules) - Amanda French - diskuze
Výrobce: Macmillan Readers
EAN: 9781405082013
Učebnice určená pro práci ve třídě za pomoci učitele. Studentům, kteří se pohybují na úrovni (band) 4 – 5,5, umožní zlepšit si znalosti a dosáhnout u zkoušky vyššího skóre. Popis: IELTS Foundation Study Skills is aimed at students in the IELTS band 4-5.5. The Listening section provides exercises to improve general listening skills as well as actual IELTS questions. The Writing questions have model answers and notes for the student giving advice on how to construct and improve their answers. Full length Reading texts and exercises practice the skills needed to find answers quickly and accurately. The Speaking questions are designed to help prepare for topics that occur in the exam.
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